V9 Bobber

The Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber is the most sensible–and least bobber-like–of the trio. Three twins, three configurations. Left to right: The Guzzi’s signature longitudinal V-twin makes up for its.
V9 bobber. Moto Guzzi modified its already-sporty V9 Bobber with even more race-tastic yummy-goodness to produce its new-for-2019 V9 Bobber Sport. The “Sport” pays homage to the post-WWII flat dirt track. The MY 2017 V9 Roamer and V9 Bobber versions are fitted with a Moto Guzzi 850 cc engine, built as always in the Mandello del Lario plant. This is of course a 90° transverse V-twin air and oil cooled engine, a set-up used in all current Moto Guzzi engines, albeit with different engine capacities and performance, able to ensure excellent riding dynamics and a unique sound. The V9 Roamer and the V9 Bobber have a new power unit, as usual built at the Moto Guzzi plant in Mandello del Largo. This is of course a 90° transverse V-twin air and oil cooled engine, a set-up used in all current Moto Guzzi engines, albeit with different engine capacities and performance, which provides excellent riding dynamics and a unique. Die V9 Bobber ist ein Motorrad für Typen, die Motorradfahren in seiner schönsten Form – easy going aber ergreifend – lieben und gerne ihre eigenen Wege gehen. Dominant – das matte Schwarz. Sie rollt auf breiten, mattschwarzen 16“-Rädern. Der Moto Guzzi Schriftzug ziert in dezentem Grau den Felgenrand.
Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber Motorcycles For Sale: 39 Motorcycles - Find Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber Motorcycles on Cycle Trader. Moto Guzzi. Moto Guzzi is an Italian motorcycle manufacturer that has been around since 1921, making it the oldest European manufacturer in the production and distribution of motorcycles. The brand stands out worldwide when it. V9 Bobberは、ミドルクラスのクルーザーセグメントにスポーツカスタムの命を吹き込みます。第二次世界大戦後のアメリカで起きたダートトラックレーサー達によるボバースタイルの流行を再現したその独特の個性は、美しくブラックアウトされたディテールと、ワイドサイズのタイヤによって. The V9 Roamer and the V9 Bobber have a new power unit, as usual built at the Moto Guzzi plant in Mandello del Largo. This is of course a 90° transverse V-twin air and oil cooled engine, a set-up used in all current Moto Guzzi engines, albeit with different engine capacities and performance, which provides excellent riding dynamics and a unique. The V9 Bobber arrives with a 90° transverse air- and oil-cooled 850cc v-twin engine that is tweaked for the all-around performance. Starting from the bottom of the engine, the new aluminum crankcase, which was stiffened at the key points, is complimented by a new oil pan and an inertia-calibrated crankshaft for easy revving and optimal engine braking.
2020 moto guzzi v9 bobber totalmotorcycle.com key features. v9 roamer and v9 bobber evolve under the sign of comfort and style. easy, convenient and always ready for the journey which is in the soul of every eagle from mandello v9 roamer is the elegant and universal custom; v9 bobber represents the bold and essential side of moto guzzi. Design & Features: Like most things Italian, the Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber is a pleasing looking motorcycle. True to the Bobber tradition, it has been stripped off all the non-essential bodywork to. Both of the V9 siblings run on cast-aluminum rims, but while the Roamer runs a 100/90-19-front and 150/80-16-rear setup, the Bobber runs a fat, custom-looking 130/90-16 and 150/80-16 set of hoops. V9 Bobber. While it would be unfair to describe the Roamer as feminine, of the V9s, it’s the Bobber that is definitely more masculine. It trades its brother’s traditional appearance for a darker and sportier one. The flat drag-style handlebar mounted on lovely aluminum bar risers place a rider in a more aggressive position.
V9 Bobber - Moto Machines offers premiere motorcycle accessories online for almost all makes and models. Here you will find protection, luggage carriers, and much more for your Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber. Featured motorcycle brands including Hepco & Becker, Ermax, Pyramid Plastics and More! Make sure your motorcycle is protected with a Moto Guzzi v9 Bobber Engine Guard offered by Germany's Hepco. The V9 Bobber is the sport custom that gave life to the medium engine capacity bobber segment. It is a bike with unique personality, essential in its shape and with a look marked by its numerous total black details and its oversize tires, just like the ones mounted by the riders in the post WWII era who gave life in the US to the bobber phenomenon, racing on dirt flat tracks. V9 Bobberはモト・グッツィがラインナップするアクセサリーである「モト・グッツィ・メディア・プラットフォーム/MG-MP」を利用することができます。 このアクセサリーはBluetoothを利用し、マシンとライダーが所有するスマートフォンを接続可能。 v9 bobber Moto Guzzi réinterprète le légendaire style Bobber, pur et agressif avec un look total black : le chrome laisse place à des nuances mates, les carénages et le réservoir sont obscurs comme la nuit, avec l’unique concession de quelques rappels graphiques jaunes ou rouges sur les caches et le réservoir.